

具有里程碑意义的学生步入大学,准备活出自己的信仰, 具备领导能力, 并准备好管理神对他们生命的独特目的. 通过世界一流的教育, 专注的领导力发展, 个性化的大学规划, students are prepared to impact their campus and communities for Christ.


At the heart of our high school curriculum is a commitment to academic excellence. Our experienced and passionate faculty members guide students through a challenging curriculum that promotes critical thinking, 求知欲, 以及对各个学科的深刻理解. 专注于信仰和学习的结合, our students develop a strong foundation in both their academic studies and their spiritual journey.

我们相信要培养全人——思想、身体和精神. 我们的高中课程强调全面发展, 鼓励学生探索天赐的才能, 利益, 和激情. 通过各种各样的课外活动, 俱乐部, 以及领导的机会, 学生有机会发展他们的性格, 建立有意义的关系, 培养他们独特的天赋.



Landmark’s 学院学者计划 is distinct for its reliance upon self-directed learning, 设计思考, 迭代过程, 广泛的作品集展示了学习的成果(e).g.,音乐学院原创作品与制作&D组合/工程中的原型).



视觉 & 媒体艺术

With concentrations in film, music production, fashion design, and visual arts.


获取知识, 实践经验, and industry connections needed to thrive as a skilled pilot in today's dynamic aerospace industry.


This program is designed to challenge and equip students to take their leadership to the next level.  Our mission at Landmark is “every student prepared to impact the world for Jesus Christ”.  This program helps them to become laser-focused on their potential impact.  

领导力的核心是影响力.  We believe that all of our students have influence and our role is to help them learn how to leverage and steward it for God’s glory.  通过影响力领导力培训, students will learn through seminars; organizing and leading 服务 projects; exposure to outdoor adventure experiences; field training, 以及可能的实习.  These experiences will come together to help forge them into better all-around leaders.

学生们会学到时间管理之类的东西, 强度分析, 目标设定, 影响培训, 如何执行, 以及他们作为领导者需要的其他有价值的工具.


We recognize the importance of artistic expression in glorifying God and celebrating the beauty of His creation. 我们的高中提供充满活力的艺术课程,包括视觉艺术, 媒体艺术, 表演艺术. 学生有机会表达他们的创造力, 发展他们的才能, 用他们的艺术天赋来做礼拜, 激励他人, 将荣耀归给神.


We pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive and enriching sports experience that combines the pursuit of athletic excellence with the values and teachings of Jesus Christ. Our program fosters a supportive and inclusive environment where students can develop their athletic skills, 强化他们的性格, 培养他们的信仰. 有广泛的运动选择, 包括篮球, 足球, 排球, 还有田径, our dedicated coaches provide expert training and guidance to help our student-athletes reach their full potential. Whether they aspire to compete at the highest level or enjoy the benefits of physical activity, 我们在Landmark的体育项目灌输纪律, 团队合作, 毅力, 以及每个参与者的体育精神, 使他们在场上和场下都能成为全面发展的人.


以基督教价值观为基础, we inspire our students to serve others and make a positive impact on the world around them. 我们高中提供许多服务机会, 允许学生参与当地和全球社区, 解决社会问题, 并通过仁慈的行为来彰显基督的爱, 同情, 和服务.


咨询 groups provide each high school student with a small community group where they are known, 鼓励, 祈祷, 和门徒. 咨询 groups provide students with an extra layer of adult and peer support as they navigate the high school years.

The purpose of advisory groups is to model the care for our students that Christ shows each of us so that we can be a guide for our students as they grow in stature, 智慧, 蒙神恩宠,彼此恩宠. The Landmark Christian School 咨询 Program seeks to accomplish a variety of goals such as:

  • 支持ing student culture through programming about virtue, character, and issues students face.
  • 指导学生.
  • 建立教师和学生之间的融洽关系.
  • Helping students incorporate Landmark Christian School core values into their daily lives.

We are passionate about the concept that each student deserves to be known, valued, and cared for. 作为热爱年轻人的教育者, 这个咨询项目给了我们一个很有意义的机会, 常有趣, consistent interactions with our students so that they are more fully known, 支持, and equipped to live full lives and to go out and impact the world for Jesus Christ.


服务他人是Landmark教育的重要组成部分, and students in every grade level have the opportunity to participate in multiple 服务 projects throughout each school year at an age-appropriate level. 我们的一些常规机会包括:


高中 students participate in specific 服务 activities both on campus and off campus in 服务 to others. 高中 students have a unique opportunity to help 小学 students as part of the Landmark family during their times of 服务.

通过定期服务, Landmark students learn that they have the opportunity and calling to be a blessing to others, 他们有机会产生影响.


We have the pleasure of hosting the students and faculty of Campbell 小学 for a day of fun, 每年.

Campbell and Landmark students and faculty parade from Campbell to Landmark and the Fairburn police and fire departments lead the way as field day begins.

游戏, 鼓励, 服务, 让基督的爱充满你的每一天, 对我们的社区产生影响.


我们的学生具有全球影响力. Landmark currently offers five school-sponsored international mission trips per year in which our high school students can participate. During fall break Landmark students travel to Mexico to build a house for a family in need. 在寒假期间, 学生们前往肯尼亚的学校, 到海地一个收容被遗弃或离家出走的男孩的地方, 以及罗马尼亚的孤儿院. 春假过后, a team travels to the remote mountains of Honduras to provide hope and support to the severely impoverished. 在这些旅行中, 学生们努力在言语和行动上提供安慰, 传福音, and reach beyond the classroom not only impacting others but most often returning home with a life-changing experience. 














随着学生们即将结束他们的高中生活, we are committed to providing comprehensive college preparation and guidance. Our experienced college counselors work closely with each student to identify their individual strengths, 利益, 和目标, 帮助他们在大学申请过程中充满信心. We take pride in our track record of successful college placements at prestigious institutions both nationally and internationally.


Mr. 迪伦柯蒂斯

9 - 12年级 | 8:10 a.m. – 3:20 p.m.


参加开放日或校园参观日活动, 或接受招生团队的个人参观.

我们喜欢提问! Contact us today so we can help you see if Landmark is a great fit for your family!

和我们一起翱翔吧! 点击开始招生过程.